Genuine Health Greens+ Tropical Fruit
Genuine Health Greens+ Tropical Fruit

Genuine Health Greens+ Tropical Fruit

Regular price $31.99

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Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits

  • 10 superfoods
  • 3 sea vegetables
  • 7 energizing herbs
  • 3 chlorophyll-rich grasses


Increase your energy, immune system health and feel more awesome with the only superfood backed by 9 studies. Try greens+ and feel the difference. Supports Your Whole Body. 23 plant-based nutrients to nourish, energize and protect your body from head to toe. Just one scoop per day for lasting energy with no crash! Greens+ works with nearly every lifestyle and way of eating. Keto & Paleo-friendly.


Ingredients per 9.1 g


  • Lecithin (23% Phosphatidylcholine) (soybean) / Lécithine (23% phosphatidylcholine) (soja) (Glycine max). 2,171 mg
  • Spirulina (whole) / Spiruline (entière) (Arthrospira platensis) 1,450 mg
  • Apple Fiber (fruit) / Fibres de pomme (fruit) (Malus domestica) 1,033 mg
  • Organic Barley Grass (herb top) / Herbe d'orge biologique (sommité) (Hordeum vulgare) 734 mg
  • Organic Alfalfa Grass (herb top) / Luzerne biologique (sommité) (Medicago sativa) 383 mg
  • Organic Wheat Grass (herb top) / Herbe de blé (sommité) (Triticum aestivum). 383 mg
  • Organic Chlorella (broken cell) / Chlorelle biologique (à paroi cellulaire brisée) (Chlorella vulgaris) 383 mg
  • Organic Soy Sprout / Pousses de soya biologique (Glycine max) 383 mg
  • Organic Brown Rice Flour (seed) / Farine de riz brun biologique (graine) (Oryza sativa). 383 mg
  • Royal Jelly (fresh) (5% 10-HDA) / Gelée royale (fraîche - 5% de 10 HDA) (Apis mellifera - Secretion) 150 mg
  • Bee pollen / Pollen d'abeille (Apis mellifera - Secretion). 150 mg
  • Licorice Root Std. Extract (10% Glycyrrhizin) / Extrait de racine de réglisse standardisé (10% glycyrrhizine) (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) 116 mg
  • Acerola Berry Juice Std. Extract (18% Vitamin C) (fruit) / Extrait de baie d'acerola standardisé (18% vitamine C) (fruit) (Malpighia glabra). 115 mg
  • FOS (Fructo-Oligosaccharides) (from Chicory Root) / Fructo-oligosaccharide (provenant de chicorée sauvage) (Cichorium intybus) 100 mg
  • Eight bacterial cultures: / Huit cultures bactériennes 100 mg
    • Lactobacillus helveticus A142-0.19 billion cfu/0,19 milliard d'UFC
    • Lactobacillus rhamnosus A119-0.43 billion cfu / 0,43 milliard d'UFC
    • Lactobacillus casei A179-0.09 billion cfu / 0,09 milliard d'UFC
    • Lactiplantibacillus plantarum A987-0.09 billion cfu/0,09 milliard d'UFC
    • Ligilactobacillus salivarius A862 -0.04 billion cfu/0,04 milliard d'UFC
    • Bifidobacterium longum A730-0.04 billion cfu / 0,04 milliard d'UFC
    • Bifidobacterium bifidum A910 -0.04 billion cfu / 0,04 milliard d'UFC
    • Bifidobacterium breve A006-0.24 billion cfu/0,24 milliard d'UFC
  • Siberian Ginseng Std. Extract (0.8% Eleutherosides) / Extrait de ginseng sibérien standardisé (0,8% éleuthéroside (Eleutherococcus senticosus) 60 mg
  • Milk Thistle Std. Extract (86% Silymarin; 19:1 equivalent to 1,140 mg) (seed)/ Extrait de chardon-Marie standardis? (86% silymarine; 19:1 équivalent à 1,140 mg) (graine) (Silybum marianum). 60 mg
  • Organic Red Beet Juice (root) / Jus de betterave rouge biologique (racine) (Beta vulgaris L.) 43 mg
  • Atlantic Dulse Seaweed / Petit goémon de l'Atlantique (Palmaria palmata). 33 mg
  • Ginkgo biloba L. Std. Extract (24% Ginkgo Flavonglycosides, 6% Terpene Lactones; 50:1 equivalent to 1,000 mg) (leaf) / Extrait de Ginkgo biloba L. standardis? (24% glycosides de flavone de Ginkgo; 6% lactones terpene; 50:1 équivalent à 1000 mg) (feuille) 20 mg
  • Green Tea Std. Extract (90% Polyphenols) (leaf) / Ex trait de thé vert standardisé (90% polyphénol) (feuille) (Camellia sinensis). 15 mg
  • European Bilberry Std. Extract (25% Anthocyanidins; 100:1 equivalent to 1,000mg) (fruit) / Extrait de myrtille européenne standardisé (25% anthocyanidine; 100:1 équivalent à 1000 mg) (fruit) (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) 10 mg
  • Extrait de raisin standardisé (95% proanthocyanidine; 1500:1 équivalent à 7 500 mg) (pulpe) (Vitis vinifera L.). 5 mg

Non-medicinal ingredients: Natural flavour, Citric Acid, Reb A (Stevia leaf extract).

Suggested Use

Adult Dosage: Mix 3 tsp (8.5 g) in 1 cup (250 mL) of pure water or juice. Shake well. If you are a new user of greens+, begin with 1 tsp daily and gradually increase to 3 tsp daily over a 3 week period. Take with food a few hours before or after taking other medications.

Cautions & Warnings

Not to be taken by children, during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, by those on medication or with chronic health problems unless under the recommendation of a health care practitioner. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have nausea, fever, vomiting, bloody diarrhea or severe abdominal pain. Do not use if you have gastrointestinal blockage. Discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner if symptoms of digestive upset occur, persist or worsen beyond 3 days. Use with caution if allergic to bee products.


We strongly recommend you always read the product labels, directions and warnings and do not rely solely on the information provided online by Healthtree.


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